Dental Implant Inquiry: Do They Feel Like Teeth?

September 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 5:35 pm
Neck to waist image of dentist in blue scrubs "holding" a levitating dental implant

Losing a permanent tooth can impact your daily life in many ways. Not only is it harder to eat, speak, and smile without a complete set of pearly whites, but it can also affect your oral health. Many patients don’t realize that their jawbone begins to deteriorate without a root to stimulate additional bone growth every time they bite down.

Fortunately, dental implants include a titanium rod inserted directly into your jawbone to keep it active and healthy. Many experts consider them the ideal replacement because of this and the many unique advantages they provide. However, you might avoid the procedure if you’re unsure whether they cause discomfort.

Continue reading to learn more about what these prosthetics feel like so you can set your concerns aside!
