What Is it Like Being Under Dental Sedation?

July 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 11:54 am
a patient preparing to undergo sedation dentistry

With all the different kinds of dental procedures out there, it’s a relief to know that there’s such a thing as sedation dentistry to help nervous patients undergo their treatments without a hitch. Although this service promises to make your visit more relaxing, you might be wondering exactly what it feels like to be under the effects of the medication. Will you still have the jitters throughout your appointment, does it give you complete relaxation, or will it even put you entirely to sleep? Keep reading to learn what you can expect while undergoing sedation dentistry.

Euphoric State

While there are different kinds of sedatives used during dental care, patients will typically feel incredibly relaxed while receiving the medication. Nitrous oxide will generally make you feel very comfortable, and you might experience some tingling in your arms and legs during your appointment. However, oral conscious sedation can take a step further by putting patients in a more dream-like state. Although you won’t technically be unconscious, you may experience a kind of drowsiness while still being able to respond and listen to simple questions or instructions given by your dentist.

Simple as Taking a Pill

Sometimes patients may be too nervous or anxious about their dental treatment to want to commit to their appointment. The good news is that sedation dentistry can put you at ease simply because it takes away some of the burden of “doing” anything during your visit. With nitrous oxide, you’ll merely lay back on the examination chair and wear a nasal mask, from which you’ll easily breathe in the odorless gas to help you be calm. Oral conscious sedation involves simply swallowing a pill that will come into effect some time afterward, and you’ll be able to undergo your dental procedure without many worries.

Pleasant Memories

Sedation dentistry isn’t designed to make you unconscious or wipe away any memory of your visit. However, due to the total calm it can provide you along with you being in a euphoric state (with oral conscious sedation), you’ll likely only remember having a comfortable and pleasant experience while in the dental chair. If there were any details of discomfort from your treatment, they’d be blurry memories at best, which can be especially helpful for those with extreme anxiety.

You don’t have to feel nervous or afraid to undergo the dental care you deserve! With sedation dentistry, you can be sure to receive the treatment you need while remaining stress-free the entire time.

About the Author

With over four decades of experience, Dr. Phillip Sehnert strives to help patients maintain and protect their pearly whites so they can enjoy a life of great oral health. As a member of numerous professional organizations, such as the American Dental Association, he offers a wide range of reliable and comfortable services, including sedation dentistry. If you wish to learn more about this treatment or want to schedule an appointment, visit his website or call his office at 972-634-7779.

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