30 Days with Dentures: A Beginner’s Guide to Your First Month

May 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 3:20 pm
Patient smiling with their dentures

Getting new dentures is a significant step towards restoring your smile, so if you just got your first pair, congratulations! Now that you have them, you may wonder if there are any pitfalls to look for in your first month. The adjustment period can be a bit challenging, but it’s nothing you can’t handle with a little foreknowledge. Continue reading to find a guide to help you navigate this important part of your denture transition.

Initial Fit and Comfort

In the first few days with your new dentures, you might experience some discomfort. This is normal as your mouth adjusts to your prosthetics. During this time, they may feel bulky or loose, and you might notice more saliva in your mouth than usual. These sensations and quirks will eventually subside as your mouth adjusts, so there’s no need to worry.

Eating and Speaking Issues

Eating with new dentures can be tricky at first because you haven’t developed the necessary muscle control yet. Start with soft foods cut into small pieces, and chew slowly using both sides of your mouth. This will help keep your prosthetics balanced so they don’t slip. As you get more confident, you can gradually reintroduce more solid foods to your diet.

Speaking clearly with dentures may also take some practice. You might notice a slight lisp or difficulty pronouncing certain words. Reading aloud and repeating difficult words can help improve your speech. Over time, your muscles will adapt, and speaking will become more natural.

Beware of Sores and Aching

It’s also common to experience sore spots in your mouth as you adjust to your new prosthetics. These areas of irritation occur where the dentures press against your gums. Try to take breaks every day, only wearing your dentures when you need to, so you can gradually get used to them. If the soreness persists or becomes painful, contact your dentist. They can make slight adjustments to help ease your discomfort. 

Daily Care Routine

A proper care routine for your prosthetics is vital for maintaining their function and your oral health. So, clean your dentures daily with a soft-bristled brush and denture cleaner to remove food particles and prevent stains. Also, remove them before you go to bed and soak them in a denture solution overnight. This will help keep them moist and maintain their shape.

As you go through the first month, you’ll notice that your new dentures start to feel more comfortable and natural. With consistent care and practice, eating, speaking, and socializing will become easier. Just remember that this adjustment period is temporary, and you’ll soon enjoy a better quality of life!

About the Author

Dr. Sehnert has been saving smiles for over 40 years with compassion and skill. He earned his dental doctorate from the Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas. Ever since then, he has strived for excellence, continuing to improve his skills through advanced training and education. Call (972) 634-7779 to schedule a denture consultation at Sehnert Precision Dentistry or visit the website to see other treatments and services they provide.

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