Have No Fear, Your Dentist is Here!

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sehnertprecisiondentistry @ 7:44 pm
Smiling woman in dentist chair giving a thumbs-up

According to the Cleveland Clinic, dentophobia, or the fear of dentists, affects roughly 36% of Americans. So you’re definitely not alone if you avoid dental appointments. But did you know your oral health can impact your overall health, and that your dentist knows several methods for helping you feel comfortable and safe?

That’s right, just as our title suggests, your dentist is here to save the day. Even when the problem is dentophobia!

Why You Definitely Need to Visit Your Dentist

The complicated thing about human biology is that everything is connected. Letting your teeth go without a regular checkup or cleaning certainly gives harmful bacteria the chance to grow into debilitating gum disease or tooth decay. However, it also increases your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s. Not to mention that an infection anywhere in your body can cause fever and illness-like symptoms. Visiting your dentist is just as vital for your health as visiting your general doctor.

Calming Sedation Options

So it’s no use avoiding your dentist. What can you do if you’re so anxious that you can’t even make an appointment?

Sedation dentistry isn’t just for immediate pain relief. It’s also for patients like you. Not all practices offer the same calming sedation options, but there are two common types:

  • Oral conscious sedation sounds fancy, but all it means is that your dentist can prescribe you a pill that’ll put you in a state of deep relaxation.
  • Nitrous oxide sedation also sounds fancy. It’s just laughing gas! This option has a slightly more euphoric effect, but you’ll feel at ease all the same.

Knowing that you’ll feel tranquil during your dental treatment can certainly help reduce anxiety!

Effective Pain Management

It’s natural to be afraid of pain. Unfortunately, dental treatments do have an unfair reputation for being less-than-comfortable. In reality, local anesthetics are now powerful enough to almost completely numb a treatment site. Even patients who receive a dreaded root canal frequently report that they barely felt it.

Attentive Dentists and Supportive Staff

Others who avoid their dentists do so because they’re worried about being judged or treated harshly.

We hope you find reassurance in knowing that most dentists follow a patient-centered approach to care. Basically, we don’t judge or shame if a condition like gum disease has run rampant in your mouth or if you’re nervous about your visit. We’re much more focused on helping you feel comfortable and finding your best-fit treatment plan!

The problem with dentophobia isn’t necessarily that you’re afraid. It’s that it can make your visits unpleasant – which no one wants for you – or prompt you to avoid them altogether – which is a risk to your health. If you experience dental anxiety, contact your dentist. They’ll listen to your concerns and save the day with some calming solutions.

About the Author

Dr. Phillip Sehnert wholeheartedly believes that patients deserve the best care available. He keeps up with continuing education to ensure he provides quality, efficient treatment, but also takes the time to get to know his patients. He’s dedicated to learning more about you and your oral health so he can help you feel welcome and comfortable in his office. That’s why he offers sedation dentistry options for those experiencing dental anxiety. When you call Sehnert Precision Dentistry at 972-634-7779, be sure to mention your concerns. Dr. Sehnert and his team will work diligently to accommodate you!

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